Members only

Start with a membership tier

Sontarans (level 1)
$4 per month

With this tier you’ll get access to The TARDIS, my personal discord server where you can connect with me and other members, get updates, and more!

Discord Access
Cybermen (level 2)
$8 per month

With your support here, you'll get entrance into my private Discord server The TARDIS and early access to audios.

Discord Access
Early Access Audios
Weeping Angels (level 3)
$12 per month

With your support here, you'll get entrance into my private Discord server The TARDIS, early access to audios, and spicy pics.

Discord Access
Early Access Audios
Spicy Pics
Daleks (level 4)
$16 per month

With your support here, you'll get entrance into my private Discord server The TARDIS, early access to audios, spicy pics, and ramblefaps.

Discord Access
Early Access Audios
Spicy Pics